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英国谢菲尔德市体育场馆:把握赛事契机,打造管理集团 谢菲尔德是英国的第一个体育城市,英国体育理事会的总部也设在这里。它具有悠久的体育历史,现在拥有两个足球俱乐部,并购买了我国成都五牛队,与成都结为友好城市,在多个领域有了更广泛的合作。谢菲尔德还是世界斯诺克锦标赛的举行地,国际保龄球公开赛也在这里的Pond Forge举办。 这座城市大部分的体育设施是为1991年的世界大学生运动会所建造的,如Don Valley International Athletic Stadium是英国最大的露天体育馆,能够容纳2.5万人,Pond Forge现在则是英国奥运会代表队跳水运动员的训练基地,吸引了许多优秀运动员在此训练。 谢菲尔德国际场馆管理集团(Sheffield International Venue,以下简称SIV)是欧洲最大的体育、休闲和娱乐场馆管理公司。该集团是为管理1991年谢菲尔德世界大学生运动会遗留下来的场馆而成立的,隶属于谢菲尔德城市基金会(Sheffield City Trust),管理着谢菲尔德市14所大型体育、休闲及娱乐设施。在一个只有50万人口的中等欧洲城市,每年接待400万消费者,年营业额2000万英镑,SIV所取得的成就令人瞩目。SIV专家表示,目前SIV管理的体育场馆均由政府投资,而且SIV每年都要和政府谈判经费补助的金额;SIV负责场馆经营,使场馆基本达到增值保值的目的,并完成所经营场馆维修保养和扩建的目标;在场馆经营税收方面享受优惠政策;SIV行政总裁的薪酬由谢菲尔德城市基金会确定。 谢菲尔德城市基金由12位理事管理,其中6位是由代表选民的下议院议员选举产生,另外6位是由谢菲尔德工会选举产生。基金会由两方负责:SIV和谢菲尔德市政府,基金会的大部分活动和体育场馆的管理业务都通过管理合同委托给SIV。SIV还负责管理所有基金会的子公司,谢菲尔德市政府、基金会与SIV之间还有着财政和管理协议。 谢菲尔德城市基金的目标: ·提供场馆设备用于谢菲尔德市民的休闲和社会福利; ·增强谢菲尔德市民的体质; ·鼓励艺术和历史建筑的保护和利用。 谢菲尔德国际场馆管理集团的目标: ·吸引更多客户; ·挖掘个人潜力; ·最大化经济影响力; ·提高城市形象; ·承办国际和国内体育、音乐等活动,以及商业活动和社团活动(每年超过2000次)。 谢菲尔德市体育场馆管理概况: 1.体育场馆群基本分为两类:一类为综合训练馆群(类似中国的训练基地);一类为比赛场馆。 2.功能主要有三种: 一是租借给专业运动队训练(主要是国家队); 二是向社区开放,为市民服务(包括举办各类培训班); 三是租借给国家级运动协会办公。 场馆建造时突出重点项目(如适合国家级专业队训练的项目球类),兼顾综合性(其它运动项目如拳击,会议,宴会以及市民健身项目羽毛球、健身房、培训等),设备一流(国际大赛标准场地及配套设施,如游泳馆的池底整体依靠水压可由水面0米降至水面下2米),服务周全(包括餐饮、医疗,所有设施残疾人都可使用)。场馆体现功能性,并不豪华。 3.运作模式:场馆属于英国国家体育组织所有,日常运作委托谢菲尔德国际场馆管理集团运营。 4.运营情况: 1)比赛馆每周均有活动或者赛事举办,例如会议、婚庆、宴会、培训等。 2)体育馆每年举行冰球赛30场,其它赛事20场,演唱会每年100多场。 3)冰球馆的训练馆每周有1000人前来训练,其中女性占70%,培训班分9个组别,全年不少于20万人次训练和培训,每天开放17小时以上。 5.经费情况(以体育中心为例): 场馆建造由英国政府拨款。维修经费由英国国家体育组织、约克郡体育组织、谢菲尔德城市基金会三方共同筹集,三方各占三分之一,近三年共拨款45万英镑。 日常运营收入包括场馆自设商店销售收入、表演、比赛收入和市场开发(出售商铺、租借场地、会议会展、宴会等)。其中文艺演出(主要是演唱会)收入比重最大,其次是体育比赛。 United Kingdom Sheffield City stadium mansion: Grasp match thing turning point , make the managerial body Sheffield is the first sports city of United Kingdom , general headquarter of United Kingdom sports council is also set up in here. It has had age-old sports history , has owned two football clubs now , has bought and five cattle of our country Chengdu team , has become friendship with Chengdu city, in the field has had broader cooperation much. Sheffield is still a world Sinuoke championship contest's holding a field , international bowling open tournament Pond Forge also in here holds. Most of sports of this city facilities is to what constuct with by the Universiade in 1991 , is able to accommodate 25,000 people if Don Valley International Athletic Stadium is maximal open-air United Kingdom gym,Pond Forge is that United Kingdom Olympiad represents training base of diver of team then now , the excellent athlete who has attracted many trains here. Xiefeier is morals the international mansion managerial body (be called SIV for short under Sheffield International Venue) is maximal sports of Europe , the company who lies fallow with entertainment mansion administration. Be Corp.'s turn to be to be founded to manage mansion left over from Sheffield Universiade in 1991 , appertain to Sheffield city foundation (Sheffield City Trust) , 14 heavy section sports , the facilities lying fallow reaching entertainment being managing Sheffield City. Medium Europe only having 500,000 population in one cities , 20 million pound sterlings , accomplishment got by SIV receiving 4 million consumers , annual turnovers every year make people focus attention upon. The SIV expert expresses , the stadium mansion that SIV manages invests in without exception by the government, and SIV all asks the amount of money that funds subsidizes to negotiate with the government every year at present; SIV be in charge of a mansion manage, make a mansion achieve added value is value-keeping purpose basically, And accomplish what be managed the mansion is maintained maintenance the target that the sum expands; Mansion on the scene manage tax revenue aspect enjoyment is preferential measures; Salary of SIV administration president payment is ascertained that by Sheffield city foundation. The Sheffield city fund is managed by 12 trustee member , among them, 6 congressmen of lower house who are a constituency by the representative choose creation , 6 are to chosen creation by Sheffield labour union besides. Foundation is responsible from two method: SIV and the Sheffield municipal government, both most activity of foundation and stadium mansion administration business entrust SIV by managing a contract. SIV is managing subcompany of all foundation being responsible , Sheffield is still having finance and is managing an agreement between the municipal government , foundation and SIV. Sheffield city fund target: · provides lying fallow and public welfare of mansion equipment be used for Sheffield resident of a city; · strengthens body constitution of Sheffield resident of a city; ·The protection sum encouraging art and the history building makes use of . Xiefeier is morals the international mansion managerial body target: · attracts more customers; · excavates the individual potential; · maximizes economy influence; · improves the city image; · undertakes the international and activities such as in the homeland sports , music, as well as (exceed 2000 time every year) the commerce activity and the corporation use personal influence. The Sheffield City stadium mansion manages a general situation: 1 stadium mansion group resembles basically mark for two: Synthesize the group training a mansion of the same class of the same class (Chinese similar training base); One kind is a playing field mansion. 2 functions have three kinds mainly: Rent first to special field sport team training (be a national team mainly); Two is to open to the outside world to the community , to serve for the resident of a city (including holding training class of all kinds); Three are to rent give national grade motion association to handle official business. Lay stress on (if project ball that state-class special field team suitable trains resembles) a key project when the mansion constructs field , give consideration to comprehensiveness (other moves a project if boxing , convention, banquet and resident of a city body-building project badminton , gymnasium , training etc.), equipment is first-rate (international megagame standard space and supporting facilities, service is completed with all that is desired if the natatorium pool bottom entirety depends on water pressure to may fall to 2 underwater rice) 0 meters from water surface, (including meal drink , medical treatment, all facilities deformed men are all usage). The mansion embodies a functionality , not luxurious. 3 operates a pattern: The mansion belongs to United Kingdom country sports organization possessions , Xiefeier daily operation is entrusted is morals the international mansion managerial body is in motion and does business. 4 is in motion and does business condition: The mansion has 1) competition to exercise weekly equally or the match thing holds, for example convention , marriage celebration , banquet , training etc. 2) gym hold 30 ice hockey matches every year other match is engaged in 20 field , more than 100 concert every year. 3) ice hockey mansions training mansion has 1000 people to come to train weekly , females among them account for 70%, training class 9 distinguishes from mark set, above the annual block of wood less than 200,000 being trained and being training , being opening 17 hours every day. 5 funds condition (take indoor stadium as example): The mansion builds field to be appropriated funds by the British government. Three sides raises the funds being maintained commonly by United Kingdom country sports organization , Yorkshire sports organization , Sheffield city foundation , three sides takes up one-third respectively , is close to 450,000 pound sterlings appropriating funds in total for 3 years.Daily being in motion and doing business taking in the shop who sells invisible income , performance , competition invisible income and marketplace exploitation including that the mansion certainly sets up shop (selling business , renting space , convention meeting exhibition , banquet and so on). That literature and art among them is performed is that (concert invisible income specific gravity is maximal mainly), is a sports tournament secondly.



谢菲尔德是英国的第一个体育城市,英国体育理事会的总部也设在这里。它具有悠久的体育历史,现在拥有两个足球俱乐部,并购买了我国成都五牛队,与成都结为友好城市,在多个领域有了更广泛的合作。谢菲尔德还是世界斯诺克锦标赛的举行地,国际保龄球公开赛也在这里的Pond Forge举办。
这座城市大部分的体育设施是为1991年的世界大学生运动会所建造的,如Don Valley International Athletic Stadium是英国最大的露天体育馆,能够容纳2.5万人,Pond Forge现在则是英国奥运会代表队跳水运动员的训练基地,吸引了许多优秀运动员在此训练。
谢菲尔德国际场馆管理集团(Sheffield International Venue,以下简称SIV)是欧洲最大的体育、休闲和娱乐场馆管理公司。该集团是为管理1991年谢菲尔德世界大学生运动会遗留下来的场馆而成立的,隶属于谢菲尔德城市基金会(Sheffield City Trust),管理着谢菲尔德市14所大型体育、休闲及娱乐设施。在一个只有50万人口的中等欧洲城市,每年接待400万消费者,年营业额2000万英镑,SIV所取得的成就令人瞩目。SIV专家表示,目前SIV管理的体育场馆均由政府投资,而且SIV每年都要和政府谈判经费补助的金额;SIV负责场馆经营,使场馆基本达到增值保值的目的,并完成所经营场馆维修保养和扩建的目标;在场馆经营税收方面享受优惠政策;SIV行政总裁的薪酬由谢菲尔德城市基金会确定。




United Kingdom Sheffield City stadium mansion: Grasp match thing turning point , make the managerial body

Sheffield is the first sports city of United Kingdom , general headquarter of United Kingdom sports council is also set up in here. It has had age-old sports history , has owned two football clubs now , has bought and five cattle of our
country Chengdu team , has become friendship with Chengdu city, in the field has had broader cooperation much. Sheffield is still a world Sinuoke championship contest's holding a field , international bowling open tournament Pond Forge also in here holds.

Most of sports of this city facilities is to what constuct with by the Universiade in 1991 , is able to accommodate 25,000 people if Don Valley International Athletic Stadium is maximal open-air United Kingdom gym,Pond Forge is that United Kingdom Olympiad represents training base of diver of team then now , the excellent athlete who has attracted many trains here.

Xiefeier is morals the international mansion managerial body (be called SIV for short under Sheffield International Venue) is maximal sports of Europe , the company who lies fallow with entertainment mansion administration. Be Corp.'s turn to be to be founded to manage mansion left over from Sheffield Universiade in 1991 , appertain to Sheffield city foundation (Sheffield City Trust) , 14 heavy section sports , the facilities lying fallow reaching entertainment being managing Sheffield City. Medium Europe only having 500,000 population in one cities , 20 million pound sterlings , accomplishment got by SIV receiving 4 million consumers , annual turnovers every year make people focus attention upon. The SIV expert expresses , the stadium mansion that SIV manages invests in without exception by the government, and SIV all asks the amount of money that funds subsidizes to negotiate with the government every year at present; SIV be in charge of a mansion manage, make a mansion achieve added value is value-keeping purpose basically,
And accomplish what be managed the mansion is maintained maintenance the target that the sum expands; Mansion on the scene manage tax revenue aspect enjoyment is preferential measures; Salary of SIV administration president payment is ascertained that by Sheffield city foundation.

The Sheffield city fund is managed by 12 trustee member , among them, 6 congressmen of lower house who are a constituency by the representative choose creation , 6 are to chosen creation by Sheffield labour union besides. Foundation is responsible from two method: SIV and the Sheffield municipal government, both most activity of foundation and stadium mansion administration business entrust SIV by managing a contract. SIV is managing subcompany of all foundation being responsible , Sheffield is still having finance and is managing an agreement between the municipal government , foundation and SIV.

Sheffield city fund target:
· provides lying fallow and public welfare of mansion equipment be used for Sheffield resident of a city;
· strengthens body constitution of Sheffield resident of a city;
·The protection sum encouraging art and the history building makes use of .

Xiefeier is morals the international mansion managerial body target:

· attracts more customers;
· excavates the individual potential;
· maximizes economy influence;
· improves the city image;
· undertakes the international and activities such as in the homeland sports , music, as well as (exceed 2000 time every year) the commerce activity and the corporation use personal influence.

The Sheffield City stadium mansion manages a general situation:
1 stadium mansion group resembles basically mark for two: Synthesize the group training a mansion of the same class of the same class (Chinese similar training base); One kind is a playing field mansion. 2 functions have three kinds mainly: Rent first to special field sport team training (be a national team mainly); Two is to open to the outside world to the community , to serve for the resident of a city (including holding training class of all kinds); Three are to rent give national grade motion association to handle official business. Lay stress on (if project ball that state-class special field team suitable trains resembles) a key project when the mansion constructs field , give consideration to comprehensiveness (other moves a project if boxing , convention, banquet and resident of a city body-building project badminton , gymnasium , training etc.), equipment is first-rate (international megagame standard space and supporting facilities, service is completed with all that is desired if the natatorium pool bottom entirety depends on water pressure to may fall to 2 underwater rice) 0 meters from water surface, (including meal drink , medical treatment, all facilities deformed men are all usage). The mansion embodies a functionality , not luxurious.

3 operates a pattern: The mansion belongs to United Kingdom country sports organization possessions , Xiefeier daily operation is entrusted is morals the international mansion managerial body is in motion and does business. 4 is in motion and does business condition: The mansion has 1) competition to exercise weekly equally or the match thing holds, for example convention , marriage celebration , banquet , training etc. 2) gym hold 30 ice hockey matches every year other match is engaged in 20 field , more than 100 concert every year. 3) ice hockey mansions training mansion has 1000 people to come to train weekly , females among them account for 70%, training class 9 distinguishes from mark set, above the annual block of wood less than 200,000 being trained and being training , being opening 17 hours every day.
5 funds condition (take indoor stadium as example):
The mansion builds field to be appropriated funds by the British government. Three sides raises the funds being maintained commonly by United Kingdom country sports organization , Yorkshire sports organization , Sheffield city foundation , three sides takes up one-third respectively , is close to 450,000 pound sterlings appropriating funds in total for 3 years.Daily being in motion and doing business taking in the shop who sells invisible income , performance , competition invisible income and marketplace exploitation including that the mansion certainly sets up shop (selling business , renting space , convention meeting exhibition , banquet and so on). That literature and art among them is performed is that (concert invisible income specific gravity is maximal mainly), is a sports tournament secondly.







